Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Spring is here (time for chicks)

I'm turning into one of those crazy chicken ladies you read about.

Nope, wait, too late. I've already become a crazy chicken lady.

It started about four years ago, in April 2014. I loved gardening, and thought a few chickens would be a nice addition to the yard. And of course fresh eggs would be a nice addition to breakfast. I bought six Barred Rock hens. Only a fellow crazy chicken lady understands how that simple, innocent purchase would lead me down an irreversible path to crazy town.

I'm currently the proud chicken momma to two Legbar/Easter Egger roos, five hens containing some parts Maran, Legbar, Easter Egger, Olive Egger and who knows what else, and six new chicks ranging from 1-5 days old, (four Marans and two Olive Eggers, straight run*.)
I hadn't intended on getting more chicks this year. I had twelve chickens already, (two roos and ten hens.) But nature had other plans. After a fox ran off with the only Barred Rock cross I had left, one of our dogs got loose and we lost four more hens.
If you're not a crazy chicken lady then you probably think that two roos and five hens should be plenty sufficient for my family of four. And you're right. But for a self proclaimed crazy chicken lady seven chickens isn't nearly enough. Thankfully it is spring, and all the local hatchers are in full swing, so here I am once again with a pack-n-play full of chicks in my basement.

*Straight run- freshly hatched chicks with no way of knowing whether male or female

Spring is here (time for chicks)

I'm turning into one of those crazy chicken ladies you read about. Nope, wait, too late. I've already become a crazy chicken lady....